Saturday, July 14, 2012

Trail Running...does it get any better?

I love to is one of my most favorite things to do! Before finding triathlons I could be found running half marathons. The funny thing is I didn't run my first 5K until I was around 25 and then didn't run my first half marathon until I was 28.  Funny how it takes into adulthood to find some things we really love to do!  But, as much as I love running I get tired of the pavement.  There is nothing better then getting out onto the trails to see the beautiful place we live in!  It is amazing to me every time I get out on the trail how incredibly beautiful the mountains are around us.
I called Coach last week and asked him if he wanted to hit the trail...his suggestion was run to the top of Timpanogas.  That sounded like an incredible trail run...I was in!  We made plans to meet up at the trailhead ready to run at 6.  I spent the next 3 days so excited about running this trail.  I knew it would be hard, but I love trails! 
I met Heath and Hailey at the trailhead and we were off.  The weather was perfect for running and I was ready to put in some serious trail mileage.  I had only been to the top of Timpanogas once and that was hiking it about 6 years ago.  I remember last time I hiked it seeing a couple runners running up it and thinking they were crazy.  Why would anyone in their right mind run to the top...and here I was today running it and loving every second of it.  Funny how perspective changes over time!
The trail was incredibly beautiful with some small waterfalls, beautiful wildflowers, some glaciers, and some wildlife!  One of my favorite animals are moose.  I think they are such beautiful creatures and I was really hoping to see one.  Well...about 3 miles into the trail we heard a loud rustling sound and literally 30 yards in front of us walks a moose right across the trail!  On the way back down we were lucky enough to see another moose!  Not sure if it was the same one...but we were running along and right off the side of the trail maybe 20-30 yards was a baby moose.  First thought, "where is its' mama...she isn't going to be happy."  As I was thinking it I see the mama coming down towards the baby.  Lets just say I didn't take time to snap a picture...I was thinking...please don't charge us!
The view from the top of Timpanogas is awesome and it makes the trek up worth it!  The last couple miles to the top I could really feel the effect of end up around 12,000 feet and the lungs definitely feel it.
Statistics...13.2 miles, 5900 feet of climbing!  I think I will be planning another trail run very soon!  I feel so lucky to live in such a beautiful place and have the opportunity to explore our mountains.
I made a video of the trek and put it on you tube-

Two miles from the top!  This meadow was awesome to run through.

At the can see the trail below...sweet!

View of the valley from the top.

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