Monday, June 21, 2010

Cascade Tri - Cascade, Idaho

On Saturday I did a small Inaugural Sprint at Cascade Lake in Idaho with my husbands family.  It was just a 'fun' triathlon for me since my Dr. won't let my heart rate go above 150.  It was an absolutely gorgeous place & so fun to campout right on the lake for a few days.  The swim was extremely choppy (of course ONLY during the swim portion) but I didn't think it was bad compare to when Utah Lake gets choppy.  Then because my HR monitor kept beeping at me I had to go extremely slow on the bike and run.  I don't think I've ever had so many pass me in my life--so I just had to concentrate on the view and my breathing to get my HR lower.  I felt amazing on the run (probably because I had to go slow on the bike ;)), unfortunately I again had to walk up the hills because my HR was too high.  So in all it was a fun easy workout, and I did it 4 minutes slower than my very first triathlon--which was quite a humbling experience.  I think I needed a sign explaining why I was so slow--definitely a different triathlon experience for me--but it was still fun.  Because it was such a small tri (only 60 athletes) I still got 1st in my age group--haha.  Here's a post race pic with the family--everyone got a finishers medal & a water bottle belt...and the race was only $40!

1 comment:

  1. Looked like fun, gal! I love the small tri's! Way to go, future mama! ;]
