Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You win some and...

Well, I don't actually ever WIN, but I did my first open water tri last weekend and, unfortunately, was accompanied by a nasty cold (highly NOT recommended!) so this one would fall under the "you lose some" category. My time was embarrassing and I had no energy or strength the entire time! Boooo!

Start your engines, ladies!
Deena and I missed our wave because my wetsuit wouldn't zip. Boooo!

Once I was finally suited up I ran into the water and started swimming for my life to get ahead of the next wave of paranas speeding towards me. After launching my cough drop that I forgot to spit out, I totally panicked and was so worried about everyone around me that I didn't focus on my breathing or my stroke and I completely flopped the swim. Boooo!

Isn't it beautiful though?! I love my mountains :)

When I got out of the water I felt like crawling right back into bed (or any nearby hole would have sufficed). I could barely stand on my two feet! And to make matters worse...remember that wetsuit that I couldn't get on? Well, it didn't want to come OFF either!! Boooo!

Getting on my good ole bike was like a breath of fresh air. It was probably the best part of the race. I love the bike leg. It was a beautiful ride along the lake and I tried not to push myself too hard. Yaayyy!

The run was quite comical, actually. It felt like a marathon! I walked about half the time (Booooo!) but in the end had a pretty strong finish (haha! Maybe because it was downhill!).

I loved being there with my girls. You were all such a great support. It's was fun to see you along the course and cheer for each other :) Nice job on your times too! I am so impressed with all of you!!

This was definitely a learning experience for me and, in spite of feeling awful and almost hacking up a lung along the way, I tried to stay positive and make the best of a yucky situation. Overall, it was a fun race and I look forward to doing it again next year...great venue!

Now I'm feeling good and looking forward to redeeming myself this Saturday in my next race (Provo). The swim is the longest I've done in open water, so hopefully I survive!
Until then...happy trails!

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