Monday, August 2, 2010

Spudman 2010

Spudman 2010
Brittany and Lynette after the race
Jen and Brittany pre race
Jen, Brittany and Deena

Brittany, Deena and I headed to Burley last weekend for the Spudman and had a blast!! Three and a half hours was barely enough time to chat but we did find some time to get jiggy with Brit's pre race music. I pity anyone else on the road who had to watch three mom's breakin' it down.

We arrived and were happy to see that the SBR guys had made the trip as well! Kyle and a few of his friends were there to race and Joe was rocking the bike support. We also had a great chat with Scott the AVIA rep. It was great to meet him and convey our appreciation for how good they've been to our team. We hope to keep that relationship for a long time to come!

After picking up our packets, we headed over to the lawn to set up our tent right on the Snake River. Realizing that I forgot the rain fly, we went into Burley to look for some supplies to jimmy rig one. Hilarity ensued and bubble wrap was considered.

Race morning, we woke up and tried to choke down food. (I can't eat at 5:30am) Then off to the swim!! The swim was bliss. I settled in to a rhythm and really enjoyed myself. I was sincerely sad when I saw the bridge and knew it was time to get out. After a quick run to my bike I threw on my helmet and noticed that the clasp had come undone. I sank to the grass and began trying to re-thread it with my shaky hands. (Hence the 4min. transition, haha) The bike was so much fun. I loved the long stretches of flats and the people cheering were great! About three miles into the bike my ankle started to really ache. I think that's when I knew I wouldn't be able to finish the race. I was really bummed having spent all day Friday wondering if I should run or not. For those who don't know, I'm supposed to be in a boot with my torn ligament. In a way, I kind of enjoyed the bike even more knowing I didn't have to save anything for the run. It was a bit awkward figuring out how to DNF a race. I hope I never have to do that again. I will be a good girl now and wear the stupid boot.

Brittany did AMAZING!! It was her first olympic and she placed FIRST in her division with an 11 min. lead on second place, I might add. We ran into Lynette at the finish line (another great surprise) where she also took FIRST in her division! Despite the walking disaster I am right now, I loved every minute of this trip. I'm so glad that Deena decided to come cheer us on, it really did make it a great race. Thanks Ladies! Hope to see more of us at this race next year, it could really be a blast!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cascade Tri - Cascade, Idaho

On Saturday I did a small Inaugural Sprint at Cascade Lake in Idaho with my husbands family.  It was just a 'fun' triathlon for me since my Dr. won't let my heart rate go above 150.  It was an absolutely gorgeous place & so fun to campout right on the lake for a few days.  The swim was extremely choppy (of course ONLY during the swim portion) but I didn't think it was bad compare to when Utah Lake gets choppy.  Then because my HR monitor kept beeping at me I had to go extremely slow on the bike and run.  I don't think I've ever had so many pass me in my life--so I just had to concentrate on the view and my breathing to get my HR lower.  I felt amazing on the run (probably because I had to go slow on the bike ;)), unfortunately I again had to walk up the hills because my HR was too high.  So in all it was a fun easy workout, and I did it 4 minutes slower than my very first triathlon--which was quite a humbling experience.  I think I needed a sign explaining why I was so slow--definitely a different triathlon experience for me--but it was still fun.  Because it was such a small tri (only 60 athletes) I still got 1st in my age group--haha.  Here's a post race pic with the family--everyone got a finishers medal & a water bottle belt...and the race was only $40!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You win some and...

Well, I don't actually ever WIN, but I did my first open water tri last weekend and, unfortunately, was accompanied by a nasty cold (highly NOT recommended!) so this one would fall under the "you lose some" category. My time was embarrassing and I had no energy or strength the entire time! Boooo!

Start your engines, ladies!
Deena and I missed our wave because my wetsuit wouldn't zip. Boooo!

Once I was finally suited up I ran into the water and started swimming for my life to get ahead of the next wave of paranas speeding towards me. After launching my cough drop that I forgot to spit out, I totally panicked and was so worried about everyone around me that I didn't focus on my breathing or my stroke and I completely flopped the swim. Boooo!

Isn't it beautiful though?! I love my mountains :)

When I got out of the water I felt like crawling right back into bed (or any nearby hole would have sufficed). I could barely stand on my two feet! And to make matters worse...remember that wetsuit that I couldn't get on? Well, it didn't want to come OFF either!! Boooo!

Getting on my good ole bike was like a breath of fresh air. It was probably the best part of the race. I love the bike leg. It was a beautiful ride along the lake and I tried not to push myself too hard. Yaayyy!

The run was quite comical, actually. It felt like a marathon! I walked about half the time (Booooo!) but in the end had a pretty strong finish (haha! Maybe because it was downhill!).

I loved being there with my girls. You were all such a great support. It's was fun to see you along the course and cheer for each other :) Nice job on your times too! I am so impressed with all of you!!

This was definitely a learning experience for me and, in spite of feeling awful and almost hacking up a lung along the way, I tried to stay positive and make the best of a yucky situation. Overall, it was a fun race and I look forward to doing it again next year...great venue!

Now I'm feeling good and looking forward to redeeming myself this Saturday in my next race (Provo). The swim is the longest I've done in open water, so hopefully I survive!
Until then...happy trails!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Salem Spring Tri

This was the very first triathlon I ever did that wasn't a relay, and I loved it. I loved it then and I still love it. What a fun course. Travis does an awesome job putting this race on every year. We had perfect weather, a great course, smooth water, nice shirts ( oh yeah, they gave us 2), and fun award medals. I'm so glad I got to do it at the last minute.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Daybreak Tri

I'm really glad I have a picture of me smiling with my 2 youngest on this sprint tri because it really was the most miserable tri (of the whopping 4!) that I've done! I did this tri last year and loved the location, people and experience... but maybe that was because they cancelled the open water portion last year... ;]

So, I was determined to do it again this year to try out the lake (Oquirrh Lake in West Jordan, UT). Well, I can honestly say, that this was the most miserable fffffreezing cold lake swim I've ever done! But, I am a BIG WOOSIE in the cold! (Water temp reports anywhere from 53-57 deg.) As soon as I started swimming towards the 1st of 3 buoys, I knew this would be my worst swim ever! I was immediately looking for the nearest exit from the water to "dnf" but there was none, so I kept going. I'm glad I finished but very bummed at my placing and times - it took me 1:50 to finish and I was 17th out of a whopping 19 in my age and 70th of 88 total women in the sprint. So, here ya go, all..... I'm posting this to make everyone else feel good about their times!

One thing I learned, though, was that even a poor time was OK when I finished something that was soooo very hard for me. But, it was really fun to see Melissa there who was a trooper to do the Olympic but unfortunately wasn't able to finish the swim on account of dry heaving because of the ccccold. (Breathing during the swim is always nice, right Mel?) I DO love being able to see those from the team at these things! (And, I believe Ammie Black (from the club?) did this, too? I don't know you, Ammie, but it looks like you did great! ...4th outta 7 in her age in the Olympic! Anyone else on club or team do this one?) Needless to say, I WILL be more careful in choosing my "spring" tri's and look for warmer waters.... or just stick with pools til July or later?... All in all, though, I still had fun, which I think is what matters.... so I'm still at it til it's no longer fun. ;]

My fav. part? When I was running in to the finish with my girls, and my youngest, trying to keep up, kept saying, "Mom! My pants are falling down!" Hee, hee, ha, ha, ha... :D

Monday, May 24, 2010

Timpanogos Trail Half Marathon

I can't speak for Deena, but training for this event was the most fun I've ever had preparing for a race. There wasn't a single time, race day included, when I ran without having deer and other creatures greet us on the trail. I looked forward to each run and a good chat with Deena. She's a stellar training partner and deserves every minute on that beach in Florida! The first round of shrimp is on me.

Race day was muddy and raining, but I still couldn't wipe the smile off my face. We bundled up and got ready for the long haul. There were about 78, that did the half and 100 or so for the full. I believe there were a few that also started at 3am to do both the half and then the marathon as well. The course changed a few days before the race, but we both agreed it was for the best. The views were spectacular, even though we were knee deep in mud it seemed at times. Talking helped to make the time pass and then we hit Dry Canyon and NOTHING made the time pass. It was steeper and longer than I remembered it being in training, but I tried to remind myself that I knew this was going to happen. Luckily, Deena came through with her thought provoking questions. I'm sure after Saturday, there is nothing left for us to talk about. A quick slug of Coke (Oooh, lovely Coke) at an aid station and we finished the climb. I caught my second wind coming down and was ready to finish up the race when I took a wrong turn adding 1.8 miles to my race. Go Jen. Luckily my trail met up with the one I was supposed to be on, no harm done, and I was still able to make it a strong finish.

Tough race, but I will definitely do it next year! Great people, great venue, perfect race!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

all about trail running

I had the privilege of being a guest blogger for R-U-N Events. They are a new race directing company and are putting on a trail run series in Park City.

Thought you might like to read about my foray into the world of trail running. Enjoy!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Team Pics

These pictures turned out so great you guys! I love all of them!! I hope you like them too :) I had a ton of fun editing them and I tried to get the best shots of each of you. But if there is anything you want edited just let me know. And if you like the coloring on a certain shot, I can add it to any of the pictures if you don't like the filter I chose. This was a really fun photo shoot. We have such a great team! Love you guys ;)

(click on any of the images to enlarge)

Deena and Tammy's calendar shots...grrrrr!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Timp Tri

Deena, Jen and I raced in the Telos Timp Tri on Saturday and it was totally fun! I seriously loved it. I didn't know how I would feel about having the swim last, but it turned out great. I liked getting the run out of the way. I posted more about it on my blog if you want to check it out here. I'm sad I didn't get a picture of the three of us. What were we thinking!? Oh well, it's a good thing we do so many of these, right? Next time, ladies :) Can't wait for the Saratoga Splash! Who's in?

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Ok, anything free usually makes me wonder what's wrong with it. I admit I was grateful for the sponsored shoes but a bit skeptical about how good they were. I finally threw on my Stoltz for a trail run and was pleasantly surprised. These shoes are great! The sole is thick enough that I don't feel every rock but light enough that they don't feel too heavy. I love the tread as well, it makes my feet feel... well, grippy. I know this totally sounds like a product pitch, but I LOVE these shoes! Has anyone else tried them out yet?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Moab Half Marathon

After training for the Ironman for so long where speed isn't a real huge priority, I was preparing for a slow race. Image my shock and thrill as the miles kept passing by at a 8 minute pace. I chalk it all up to being rested from taking several days off from training and from my new Newtons. Everyone has said how fast they are and now I'm a believer. I felt absolutely amazing, and in fact, don't remember finishing a race feeling so well. It was a beautiful day for racing and this race went from being on my horrible list to being one of my favorites. It also doesn't hurt that this race has the best post race food around.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

St. George Cycling Trip

What a fun trip this was! I had such a great time getting to know you amazing girls. I haven't laughed that hard since Tifie! Thanks for not totally leaving me in your dust (or sand?) and giving me this opportunity to break in my new bike. I love her! We really bonded :) You girls rock and I aspire to be like every one of you! I love being on this team and I can't wait for the upcoming season of hard core racing!

The 5 hot biker chicks

We had the most gorgeous views of the red, sandy hills and Sand Hollow Reservoir was amazing! I wanted to jump in and go for a swim!!

I love this picture of Jen. Doesn't she look tough?! I just wish I had gotten all of her! I was took this while riding! Haha!

We had to bike through these awful mini sand storms. It felt like a million little needles stabbing our legs! Ouch!

Thanks for another great adventure ladies ;) Good times!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Icebreaker 2010

Race is done! I survived
which was the big goal for Saturday. I ended up seeding myself back farther because of my gimpy shoulder. The last thing I wanted was to have people swimming over me. As it turned out, I did a personal best in my 300m swim and surprised myself with how little it bothers me to cut people off! It's still pathetic by actual competitive swimmer standards, but I was pleased. I wasn't expecting to run barefoot across frost covered grass to get to transition even though I knew it was going to be a cold day. I was hoping that my adrenaline rush would be enough to distract me from my numb feet. Yeeeaaaa... not so much. It turns out I'm a wimp even with adrenaline surging through my veins!

Right onto the bike course, I was hit with a hill. I was surprised how fast my feet got numb. I picked up the pace purely to get off the bike and get into some shoes. By the end of the bike, the numbness was creeping into the rest of my foot. I spent the last few miles wondering why I didn't use my toe warmers on my bike shoes. WHY?!!

The run was a little tough with my shoulder issues, thankfully I was still distracted in the first mile with my frozen feet. I felt like I was running on stumps, it was actually humorous. It's surprising how much a little pain can sap from your energy. I kept reminding myself that this race was already blown and I needed to pay attention to what my body could actually handle today. It really helped! I have such a sprinter's mindset. I want to go hard and go home, so I'm always burning out too soon. I kept repeating, "patience" to myself when I would be tempted to speed it up a bit and a tried to calm my mind and settle into a good rhythm the best I could. Gratefully, McKenzie and Brittany were there to run the entire 5k with me.

I'm really glad I decided to do the tri even with all the issues I was having. I ended up 7th out of 17 in my age group. It got a lot of pre-season nervousness out of my system, showed me my training weaknesses, (i.e. hills, hills, hills) and made me a little tougher. I was overwhelmed by how many of our team girls got up early on a Saturday morning to cheer me on in the freezing cold. It meant a lot to me girls!

Next up is the Timp trail run. I'm switching trainers, so we'll see how this goes.

On a funny side note, a couple in line behind me asked why we were getting body marked. I jokingly said, "So they can identify our bodies." They looked at me stone faced and terrified, until I told them I was kidding. I'll try to be more helpful next time, I can be such a jerk. LOL

Okay, who's next?

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hello Ladies! This blog is for you to share race and training experiences, pictures and new friendships. We're so excited for what this year will bring. So, strap on your helmet and get training!!